Love Sex Magick Update

Big stuff happening over here in Missy Lynn Land. Today I submitted my first official e-query to an agent at the top of my dream agent list. I have had the query written for about a month but was still making tweaks to the first chapter. Then I submitted the novel into the Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest and the timing just didn't seem right. Now I am attending the RT Booklover's convention and planning on meeting with Agents and Editors there too. Anyway, to make a long story short, I decided it was time to take the plunge. Hitting send was the hardest thing I've done thus far. And to make it worse this particular agent doesn't send I have to wait a month or so and if I don't get a bite that means they are not interested.

Wish me luck. Lots of opportunity to make it pro this year. I have book two started and a YA in my back pocket.