If you haven't checked out Wicked Jungle yet you should. It's a new online community for paranormal romance and urban fantasy readers and writers. Honestly, there's a little something for everyone.
For new and aspiring writers: The site is looking for flash fiction and short stories in the genre to publish. Payment is exposure only, but reprints are welcome. This means that fun little piece you wrote for character development, to test your writing muscles...you can submit that. Or the flash piece you shared on your website or blog last year, you can submit that too. Wicked Jungle wants fans of the genre to be able to find short fiction and discover new authors, especially while that author is in that illusive stage between having a contract and waiting for that book to hit shelves.
For published authors: Wicked Jungle wants to celebrate and promote your success. If you have a published novel on book shelves now they will happily post an excerpt and cover image to feature on the home page of the website. They also have a guest blog which you are welcome to use to post contests and give-aways around the time of your book release.
For fans: As if having access to new flash fiction and short stories in the genre weren't cool enough and the contests, guest blogs, and book excerpts weren't the cherry on your hot fudge sunday, we also have wicked awesome media for you to enjoy. There is an entire page devoted to videos and you can find all of our favorite book trailers in one central place. This is also home to their own video book reviews, author interviews and other Wicked Jungle goodies.
So head on over to WickedJungle.com now and check it out. Better yet recommend it to your friends and followers.