Yeah right. Money is money and writers want (and probably deserve) it just like any other hard working soul. Yet so many folks enter the business and have no idea what they are doing. They have limited understanding of the way the publishing business works, and thus sometimes foolish expectations of their value. Thus whenever I can post something about the money behind the writing, I do. So here is a great resource (SHOW ME THE MONEY) from romance writer Brenda Hiatt, who broke down typical advances and earnings for major publishers in the romance genre.
Sample breakdown of the info on each publisher:
Avon/HarperCollins ...........................................................................................46
Average advance (first book): $17,000 Median: $7,000
Average advance (subsequent books): $26,500 Median: $13,000
Advance range: $5000 - $100,000
Standard royalty percentage: 8%
Average earn-out: $23,000 Median: $26,500 Range: $12,000 - $35,000
I've got your attention now, don't I?
These numbers are pretty on par for most genres, but if you don't believe me you can check out The Business of Money (part 1) to take a glance at some Sci-Fi and Fantasy figures. Like any industry, there are publishers who fall much higher or lower than the average, so remember to take outliers with a grain of salt. Also remember to note the sample size. I haven't been able to find anything conducted en masse, by an established writers association like SFWA or RWA.
Enjoy! And if you find any other good resources on "The Money" feel free to post a link in the comments section.